jueves, 30 de julio de 2009


Update: After talking about it, I realized I made a mistake and I should have been more sensitive about the way I brought my ideas up. We talked it out, yes I felt lectured, but yes I am over it, we go on...

Mad rant from earlier today:
"He says I only do it to debate. Part of it is true but a much bigger part is about making sense of all the chaos in an organized way.
I don't like that he underestimates me, he is making a mistake."

Speeding Ticket

Funny thing happened.
Last tuesday I got pulled over on the way home. I was speeding 60 miles (the officer even had a spedometer in hand!) in a (supposedly) 30 mile zone. I was surprised as one rarely gets pulled over for speeding in this country. Anyway, he gave me the option of paying on the spot (with a debit card) so I did... a whole 14 USD. I let him know that I respected him for not asking for a bribe like all the other police men, he was so flattered that he cut my fine by 50%
Anyway, I went on my way and all was fine.
TODAY, I got pulled over again, same spot, same car, same officer! I was going a bit slower than last time and he laughed when he noticed it was me again. He was nice enough to let me go. That about puts the cherry on my good day :)

Feeling Breezy

Well, I think the internet drama got cleared up. Im no longer worried about it anyway.
Today is a good day, I am just about done with my projects, my vacation starts next tuesday and Ill be all set to go! Im very excited about finishing off the term and going back to the US for a few weeks to cool down!
I love feeling like I have some free time. Im going to visit my grandmother this weekend- going there today actually, and Im going to chill out and play with some designs Ive got in mind. As far as other art projects, Ive got some cool plastic bottle collages in mind, fun fun fun.
*takes breath of fresh air* ahhhhhh satisfaction :)

martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Internet drama

A woman on flickr posts very emotional comments on my lovers page. I'm not sure how to respond or whether I should respond at all. For him, this is somewhat of a typical situation, women often respond to him very intensely; he's very well put together, charismatic, romantic, conscious- and women seem to pick up on it immediately. I humor it, for the most part it seems healthy. After all whats wrong with it? I should be flattered.
The comments have gotten more and more odd. That began bothering me as she has added me as a contact and has already sent him flickr mail asking whether we are in a relationship. Odd enough right- but silly internet. Today, however... she went through the trouble of finding him and adding him as a contact on an instant messenger and apparently is very curious of the degree of our relationship.
He told me about it and said he responded appropriately. I usually trust him, but then I find out that they had a whole conversation about politics and this and that... I wonder what this is all about. Perhaps I'm a bit touchy about it since we met online- he seems to oversee this fact when I get upset about all this hub-ub.
I don't know how to respond this time. Should I get angry (ooops alread did that), should I just let it go? Should I contact her and let her know shes acting strangely?
This has put me in a strange place. Perhaps Im over-reacting, but it's not like him to hold conversations with women he knows are attracted to him.
I go back and forth... what is it?