martes, 28 de julio de 2009

Internet drama

A woman on flickr posts very emotional comments on my lovers page. I'm not sure how to respond or whether I should respond at all. For him, this is somewhat of a typical situation, women often respond to him very intensely; he's very well put together, charismatic, romantic, conscious- and women seem to pick up on it immediately. I humor it, for the most part it seems healthy. After all whats wrong with it? I should be flattered.
The comments have gotten more and more odd. That began bothering me as she has added me as a contact and has already sent him flickr mail asking whether we are in a relationship. Odd enough right- but silly internet. Today, however... she went through the trouble of finding him and adding him as a contact on an instant messenger and apparently is very curious of the degree of our relationship.
He told me about it and said he responded appropriately. I usually trust him, but then I find out that they had a whole conversation about politics and this and that... I wonder what this is all about. Perhaps I'm a bit touchy about it since we met online- he seems to oversee this fact when I get upset about all this hub-ub.
I don't know how to respond this time. Should I get angry (ooops alread did that), should I just let it go? Should I contact her and let her know shes acting strangely?
This has put me in a strange place. Perhaps Im over-reacting, but it's not like him to hold conversations with women he knows are attracted to him.
I go back and forth... what is it?

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